Increase Accuracy and Efficiency in your Operations! Call Us: 440.808.8888
Increase Accuracy and Efficiency in your Operations! Call Us: 440.808.8888
If your crane operators are manually searching for specific coils and manually recording the coil location every time it's moved, you can relate to these issues:
The SPEDE Locator System uses BLE Beacon technology to Automate and Control:
At Receiving - a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacon, which has a unique ID, is attached to a Coil via magnet. The operator can scan the Beacon ID to associate it to the Coil ID, and then scan/ enter additional Coil specs if desired (Processor Tag, Heat Number, Lot Number, Grade, Mill, etc.) to complete the Receipt transaction. The SPEDE Locator App,residing on a handheld tablet PC, records the Receipt. The Beacon will transmit its ID to the Locator App whenever the coil /container is lifted or moved.
At Put-away - crane-mounted distance lasers identify the XY or XYZ location where the coil is put.
At Picking - the operator simply enters the search criteria for the desired coil. The SPEDE Locator System App displays the specific location of the desired coil. Distance lasers on the crane verify the crane is at the correct location, and SPEDE confirms the desired coil ID is being picked / loaded. The SPEDE Locator database is instantly updated with the coil transaction.
Key Features of the Bluetooth Beacon:
Advantages of Bluetooth Beacons:
SPEDE Steel Coil Locator System Using Bluetooth Beacons (pdf)
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24930 Detroit Rd Suites D & E Cleveland OH 44145
CALL US: 440.808.8888
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